Attr.: JIMMY JOHN (1876-1987) NUU-CHAH-NULTH
Model Totemcared and polychromed wood, 21.25 x 4 x 2.5 in (54 x 10.2 x 6.3 cm), measurements reflect dimensions without later added wood base;
carved and painted in a stacked arrangement with an thunderbird looking down, a coiled serpent clutched in its talons, atop a Wasco (sea) wolf, atop a three headed eagle, atop a bear clutching a human figure, with a model bentwood lidded box as the base.
LOT 17
ESTIMATE: $1,800 — $2,800
PRICE REALIZED: $9,000.00Further images
A British Columbia Collection.Literature
For examples of model totem by Jimmy John, see Michael D. Hall & Pat Glascock, Carvings and Commerce: Model Totem Poles 1800-2010, (Seattle, WA: University of Washington: 2011), p. 116 & 117.